What is your wood and water?

Sela Flynn
3 min readJul 30, 2021

before enlightenment — chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment — chop wood, carry water

Photo by: Antoinette Tapia

Wood and Water

To get anywhere in life we must chop wood and carry water — this is the process of learning new things. You can’t be great at anything unless you’re willing to chop wood and carry water. Though each persons wood and water is different, you can’t build a house without laying the foundation. The foundation is your wood and water.

There are two main drivers of greatness:

  1. A dream or visualization.
  2. Action.

In order to achieve greatness we must learn to love the process — and this process begins with a dream to be great, and is followed by action. This is where you find your wood and water, they are part of the action that project you closer to achieving your dream. The process of chopping wood and carrying water is an opportunity to grow.


One of the greatest hurdles to overcome is not actually the trials that we face but the way we view these trials. Most people view every situation they face as a test and because of this they become overly focused on passing this ‘test’. By switching our mindset and viewing situations we face as an opportunity to grow we can then become more focused on enjoying the process. When we view something as a test we become too focused on passing that we are unable to see where this process could stretch or grow us. However, when we view something as an opportunity we become focused on maximizing our growth.

Ask yourself this: ‘What did I become in the process?’

Value System

This is the driving factor that keeps you going. It reminds you of how capable you are, no matter how many times you may fail. It reminds you to not bite off more than you can chew. It keeps you in tune with ‘why’ you are committed to this process.

A value system reminds you that your value lies within ‘who’ you are, rather than ‘what’ you do.

Three Circle Chain

These are the three practices that will help you achieve greatness.

One — persistent focus — you know what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it, and how you are going to achieve it. This is the driving factor behind your action.

Two — combat discouragement — you do this through encouragement. What do you watch, read, and listen to. Surround yourself with the right stuff. Speak to yourself in such a way that projects yourself toward your goals.

Three — evaluation — cultivate encouragement through evaluation. The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it. Do not compare. Evaluate your progress and how it lines up with your goals. Appreciate where you have grown.

The grass is not greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it

Know your worth. Remember — your value comes from who you are, not what you do.

Adapt a growth mindset. Anything that happens today is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Simply put.

Hard work will beat talent when talent doesn’t beat hard work


Failure is what you make of it.

Ask yourself — ‘what did I become in the process?’

Final Thoughts

If you have a dream, take action.

Express gratitude towards both wins and failures.

There are two types of situations; those you can control and those you can’t. Commit to the controllable.

Chop your Wood, Carry your Water.


